A Letter from the ONDO Team

Dear ONDO Family,

At ONDO, our goal has always been to deliver innovative and stylish products with a commitment to high-quality craftsmanship and working with suppliers with proven track records. Since our launch in 2020, we’ve held ourselves to this goal, working continuously to improve our products based on your feedback. 
In an effort to always evolve, we’re very excited to announce that our beloved Low-Cut No Show Socks are getting an upgraded design! We would like to offer you our previous Low-Cut socks at a discounted price for everyone who already loves this version. 
This exclusive offer gets you an additional 10% off on all current Low-Cut Sock styles. This offer is only valid while supplies last, and please note that these styles are FINAL SALE, since we wouldn’t be able to restock them at our warehouse.
Whether you’ve been with us since the very beginning, or recently fell in love with our innovative products, thank you for supporting us along the way. Having your support truly means the world to us and we appreciate each and every one of you!
Sending Warm & Cool Love,